Monday, December 2, 2013

Ruler of Shadows

A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen

Ruler of the night

Of Dusk

I rule over the shadows
Of twilight

No light shines through
Everything is black and white
No color
There use to be

But I'm not who I was before

I am alone
Alone with my thoughts 
That scream louder than my mouth

I think about you all the time
You never seem to leave
Pushed back maybe 
But never gone
Never gone

I want to go back
Back to a blissful time
Back to color

But everything remains grey

I remain the queen of isolation
For I thrive alone

Alone with the voices in my head
Telling me I'm not enough
Whispers of doubt 
Then screaming, yelling, louder louder louder

Shut up!

 Then silence


But I'm still alone; alone in the shadows
My kingdom



  1. Damn chi..ld. You are so good it blows my mind every freaking time. Ugh...why??

  2. I really have nothing I can say other than you are amazing. I'm snapping my fingers for you.

  3. "But I'm still alone; alone in the shadows
    My kingdom"

    Made me ponder. Thank you.
